Paintings by Max Beckmann, Juan Gris, and Paul Klee
Paintings by Max Beckmann, Juan Gris, and Paul Klee

Year of Object(s) Creation: 1926
Estimated Value ($USD):
Object Type(s): Painting
Object Material(s): oil, paint
Provenience Nation:
Provenience Location:
Year Removed from Findspot: 2017


Start Year: 1932
End Year: 2017
Circumstance of Acquisition:
Nation: Germany
Location: Munich

Paintings By Max Beckmann, Juan Gris, And Paul Klee

8 oil paintings - 6 Paintings by Max Beckmann; 1 Painting by Juan Gris; 1 Painting by Paul Klee

Case Status: Object(s) not relinquished
Year Claim Initiated: 2016
Year Claim Resolved:
Means of Resolution: Litigation

Complainant Name: Penny Hulton
Complainant Nation: United Kingdom
Complainant Nation Economy: Developed
Complainant Type: Private: Individual

Respondent Name: Bavarian State Paintings Collections & Free State of Bavaria
Respondent Nation: Germany
Respondent Nation Economy: Developed
Respondent Type: Public: Institution

Reference Links:
Title: hulton_v._bavaria

Editor's Notes:
The image is of one of the Beckmann works, "Duchess of Malvedi".