1997 Vietnam Ceramics
1997 Vietnam Ceramics

Year of Object(s) Creation: Late 15th to early 16 century
Estimated Value ($USD):
Object Type(s):
Object Material(s):
Provenience Nation: Vietnam
Provenience Location: HoiAncoast,Vietnam,1993 or 1994
Year Removed from Findspot: 1993


Start Year:
End Year:
Circumstance of Acquisition: Alleged looting
Location: Japanese dealers

Vietnamese Ceramics

Pottery - Pots, dishes, figurines

Case Status: Object(s) relinquished
Year Claim Initiated: 1997
Year Claim Resolved: 1997
Means of Resolution: Litigation

Complainant Name: Government
Complainant Nation: Vietnam
Complainant Nation Economy: In Transition
Complainant Type: Public: Government

Respondent Name: Two Japanese Citizens
Respondent Nation: Japan
Respondent Nation Economy: Developed
Respondent Type: Private: Individual

Reference Links:

Editor's Notes:
Around 10% of the salvaged objects were kept by Vietnamese museums; many others were sold via auctions.