3rd Century Turkish Statue Of Anatolian Mother Goddess Cybele
marble statue of Cybele as a votive offering; sculpture has lions on either side representing the goddess's dominance over nature and animals; has inscriptional text reading "Hermeios' son, Asclepiades from Sideropolis erected the votive statue to Twelve Olympians"
Case Status: Object(s) relinquished
Year Claim Initiated:
Year Claim Resolved: 2020
Means of Resolution: Action by Respondent's Govt.
Complainant Name: Government of Turkey (Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, et al.)
Complainant Nation: Turkey
Complainant Nation Economy: Developing
Complainant Type: Public: Government
Respondent Name: Israili collector
Respondent Nation: United States
Respondent Nation Economy: Developed
Respondent Type:
Reference Links:
Editor's Notes:
Edited Janice Kim