Beijing Summer Palace Bronze Rabbit and Rat Head
Beijing Summer Palace Bronze Rabbit and Rat Head

Year of Object(s) Creation: 1650 A.D. (approximate)
Estimated Value ($USD): 40000000 (approximate)
Object Type(s): Carving, Sculpture, Statue, Timepiece
Object Material(s): metal
Provenience Nation: China
Provenience Location: OldSummerPalace,inpresent-dayHaidianDistrict,Beijing
Year Removed from Findspot: 1860


Start Year: 2013
End Year:
Circumstance of Acquisition: Sanctioned
Nation: China
Location: National Museum of China

Chinese Beijing Summer Palace Bronze Rabbit And Rat Heads

Bronze Rabbit and Rat Heads from Summer Palace

Case Status: Object(s) relinquished
Year Claim Initiated: 1990 (approximate)
Year Claim Resolved: 2013
Means of Resolution: Inquiry/Demand

Complainant Name: Government of China
Complainant Nation: China
Complainant Nation Economy: In Transition
Complainant Type: Public: Government

Respondent Name: Pinault family
Respondent Nation: France
Respondent Nation Economy: Developed
Respondent Type: Private: Individual

Reference Links:

Editor's Notes:
- Belonged to Yves Saint Laurent Foundation but actioned by YSL's partner Pierre Barge; Cai Minghao, an adviser to China's National Treasures Fund, refused to pay and Barge kept them
- Pinault billionaire family later bought and returned them
- For complainant and respondent - should I put China and Pinault? Barge and China?