Year of Object(s) Creation: 1333-1323 B.C.E.
Estimated Value ($USD):
Object Type(s): Carving, Sculpture, Statue
Object Material(s): stone
Provenience Nation: Egypt
Provenience Location: Discoveredinthelate1970sinSaqqara,tombofHoremheb
Year Removed from Findspot:


Start Year:
End Year:
Circumstance of Acquisition: Alleged looting
Location: Unknown

Egyptian Dyad Of Horemheb And His Wife

Dyad of Horemheb and his Wife

Case Status: Object(s) not relinquished
Year Claim Initiated: 1975
Year Claim Resolved:
Means of Resolution: Inquiry/Demand

Complainant Name: Government
Complainant Nation: Egypt
Complainant Nation Economy: In Transition
Complainant Type: Public: Government

Respondent Name:
Respondent Nation:
Respondent Nation Economy:
Respondent Type:

Reference Links:

Editor's Notes:
Objects are known to be stolen and there is an open claim for their repatriation. However, the current location of the objects are unknown.