2/9/2021 | Goals Gone Wild: The Unintended Effects of Goal Setting on Employee Performance | Dr. Lisa Ordóñez

3/4/2021 | Workshop: Being Purposeful | Zach Mercurio, Ph.D.

3/25/2021 | How to Use Design Thinking to Bring Your Ideas to Life | Sevelyn VanRonk and Blake Beckmann

4/13/2021 | Unplugged: Lessons from a Corporate HR/OD Career | Deborrah Himsel, MBA

9/16/2021 | CGU Organizational Psychology Faculty Panel | Stephen Gilliland, PhD; Cindi Gilliland, PhD; Michelle Bligh, PhD; Becky Reichard, PhD;, Gloria González-Morales, PhD; Stewart Donaldson, PhD; Jennifer Feitosa, PhD

10/21/2021 | Leadership Coaching 101 | Jamie Shapiro (doctoral student, Pos Org) and Seth Yelorda (doctoral student, Org Behavior) | recording



2/20/2020 | Experiences of Inequality and Consequences for Well-Being, Ill-Being, and Group Evaluation | Dr. Leanne Son Hing (Associate Chair of the Son Hing Lab at University of Guleph)

3/31/2020 | Building a Rewarding Career with Positive Psychology | Phil DelVecchio (Director of Culture and Talent at JBS, MA in Pos Org from CGU)

4/30/2020 | Workplace Efficiency: How Do You Measure Performance of a Building? | Nick Lamel, MA (UX Research Lead – Workspace Design & Assessments at Google, MBA and MA in OB from CGU)

9/8/2020 | Org Talks Faculty Panel | Gloria González-Morales, Michelle Bligh, Ron Riggio, Becky Reichard, Stewart Donaldson, Stephen Gilliland, Cindi Gilliland

10/15/2020 | Ergonomics, Workplace Well-Being, and Organizational Change: Why it Matters More Than Ever | Melissa Steach, PhD

11/12/2020 | Fireside Chat | Dan Kan



3/5/2019 | The Art of Feeding Heroes: Leadership and Training & Development | Jean-Marie Jobs 

4/18/2019 | Making I/O Visible: The Role of Visuals and Narratives in I/O Psychology | Sevelyn VanRonk & Blake Beckmann

5/8/2019 | Leadership in Consulting and Applied Practices | Dr. Ron Riggio

9/5/2019 | CGU DBOS Faculty Panel: Getting to Know Claremont Org Faculty | Michelle Bligh, Becky Reichard, Ron Riggio, Cindi Gilliland, Stephen Gilliland, Gloria González-Morales

10/10/2019 | R E S P E C T… Find Out What it Means to Me: Studying (in)Civility in the Workplace | Gloria González-Morales

11/15/2019 | Leader Identity Development: Exploring and Connecting Multi-Domain Opportunities | Gretchen Lester, Ph.D.

11/21/2019 | Diverse Teams: What Path Should We Take? | Jennifer Feitosa, Ph.D.



1/25/2018 | Client Communication and Team Communication | Christine Kelly, Director of the Career Development Office at CGU

2/13/2018 | Positive Professionals: Creating High-Performance Profitable Firms through the Science of Engagement | Anne Brafford, Author, Speaker, Consultant

3/29/2018 | Confessions of an I/O (mostly “I”) Psychologist | Harry Brull, Consultant

4/10/2018 | Leadership and Energy | Bernd Vogel, Professor in Leadership

9/12/2018 | Getting to Know Claremont Org Faculty | Michelle Bligh, Stewart Donaldson, Becky Reichard, Jeffery Yip, Ronald E. Riggio, and David Day, Core and GFIP Faculty

10/4/2018 | Career Development Workshop | Christine Kelly, Director of the Career Development Office at CGUP

11/14/2018 | Careers in Org – What can I do with this Degree? | Stewart Donaldson



2/11/2014 | The Mission of the Midnight Mission | Ryan Navales

4/3/2014 | Creating Cultures of Creativity and Innovation | Jorge Rufat-Latre

4/23/2014 | Learning and Development at Disney | Christyann Andrianopoulos, Taylor Massey, Carlos Puertas

9/4/2014 | Social Hour

9/9/2014 | Past, Present, and Future of Organizational Psychology at CGU | Dean Stewart Donaldson

Fall 2014 | Consulting Job Hunt Workshops

10/14/2014 | Video Meet and Greet | Professor Jeff Yip

11/17/2014 | Neuroscience Applications to Organizations | Paul Zak

11/19/2014 | Job Talk Panel

12/9/2014 | Organizational Consultant | Giselle Timmerman

12/18/2014 | Org Psych Social



10/13/2011 | Ethical Leadership and Follower (Un)Ethical Behavior: Shared Leadership and Efficacy Beliefs, Panel Discussion | Suzanne Van Gils and Maj Fausing

11/4/2011 | Leader Development and Positive Psychology in Practice, Panel Discussion | Mindy Danna (Jeanne Hartley Consulting), Dave Jensen (S3),
Craig Robinson (Broadcom), Mike Wichman (Wichman & Associates)

11/14/2011 | Why Leaders Are Great Storytellers | Robert Dickman

11/30/2011 | Applied Careers in Psychology | Panel Discussion



1/26/2010 | The 5 R’s of Career Development | Tom Lenzo

2/16/2010 | Management Consulting | Dr. Lilian Abrams

10/21/2010 | Kile Dyer

11/8/2010 | The Puritan Gift – Reclaiming the American Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos | Ken Hopper & Will Hopper, Writers-in-Residence at the Drucker Institute
*This event was co-sponsored with the “Women in Leadership Across Disciplines” Transdisciplinary Reading Group.

11/9/2010 | The Elements of Persuasion | Robert Dickman

12/2/2010 | Org Bingo



2/26/2009 | Becoming Data-driven and Outcomes Oriented: The Impact of Evaluation at National Community Renaissance | Dr. Joelle Greene

4/9/2009 | Q&A with the CEO of SMART Consulting and Best-Selling NYT Co-Author of Who? | Dr. Geoff Smart

4/16/2009 | From Self-efficacy to Means Efficacy to Circumstantial Efficacy: Theoretical and Experimental Expansion of the Efficacy Construct | Dr. Dov Eden

9/29/2009 | Social Trend Tracking at Toyota | Todd Blickenstaff

10/27/2009 | Online Surveys for Beginners, plus Power User Tips | Kim Perkins & Timothy Lisk

11/24/2009 | Discussing Public Organizations | Geoff Dolan