The areas of expertise of The Claremont Colleges faculty members who participate in the Mathematics Clinic cover an impressive range of mathematical applications. In addition to those faculty members listed below, more than 50 post-doctoral mathematicians from such institutions as Purdue University, Indiana University, The University of Guelph (Canada) and Trinity College (Ireland) have served as Mathematics Clinic advisors during yearlong visits to Claremont.

  • John Angus: Probability, statistics, neural networks, genetic algorithms, computer-intensive methods in statistics.
  • Marina Chugunova: Applied mathematics, scientific computation, partial differential equations, spectral theory
  • Ellis Cumberbatch: Fluids, solids, transistor modeling, asymptotics.
  • Ali Nadim: Applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, scientific computing.
  • Allon Percus: Discrete optimization, algorithms, network models.
  • Ami Radunskaya: Dynamical systems, stochastic processes, applications of dynamical systems to instrument modeling, sound generation, interactive composition.
  • Adolfo Rumbos: Partial differential equations, bifurcation techniques.
  • Henry Schellhorn: Mathematical finance, stochastic analysis, credit risk, Monte Carlo simulation.