[1]  With AT and Geneviève Rodis‑Lewis (editor), Les Passions de l'âme (Paris:  Vrin, 1970) (herein referred to as "RL"), reading "ame" for "Ame" (under the main heading "agitation"). 

[2]  With AT and RL, reading "aysement" for "aysément".

[3]  Reading "s'allongent" for "s'alongent".

[4]  With AT, reading "Amour" for "amour".

[5]  With AT and RL, reading "Courage" for "courage".

[6]  With AT and RL, reading "Courage" for "courage".

[7]  With AT, reading "Cruauté" for "cruauté".

[8]  Reading "defense" for "defence".

[9]  With AT and RL, reading "defiance" for de fiance".

[10]  With AT and RL, reading "Devotion" for "devotion".

[11]  With AT, reading "Escole" for "escole".

[]12  With AT and RL, reading "Estime" for "estime".

[13]  With AT and RL, reading "Haine" for "Hayne".

[14]  With AT, reading "Indignation" for "indignation".

[15]  With AT and RL, reading "Joye" for "joye".

[16]  Reading "laschete" for "lachete".

[17]  With AT and RL, reading "Mespris" for "mespris".

[18]  With AT and RL, reading "noms" for "nous".

[19]  Reading "palir" for "pallir".

[20]  With AT, reading "Escole" for "escole" (under the main heading "Philosophie").

[21]  Reading "poulx" for "pouls".

[22]  With AT, reading "Reconnoissance" for "reconnoissance".

[23]  With AT, reading "Passions" for "passions" (under the main heading "traité").

[24]  Reading "se vanger" for "se venger".


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