Lab Members

Kyra Warshaw (lab manager)

Kyra is a PhD student in the Applied Social Psych program working with Dr. Schultz. She went to undergrad at UC San Diego.

Kyra’s area of research is in environmental psychology; she studies social norms and how they influence conservation behaviors.

Fun fact: Kyra is a black belt!

Ashley Bonilla

Ashley is a 3rd year PhD Student in the Organizational Behavior program working with Dr. Gloria Gonzalez-Morales. She received her BA & MA in Psychology from CSU San Marcos.

Ashley’s research interests include diversity, wellbeing, and a sense of belonging. Her research focuses on exploring how perceptions of goal mismatch influence whether individuals identify with their STEM domain and experience a strong sense of belonging.

Fun fact: Ashley is a twin

Suting (Lily) Chen

Educational background: Psychology and Social Behavior (B.A.) & Social Ecology (B.A.) from the University of California, Irvine

Concentration/advisor: Social psychology / Dr. Wesley Schultz

Lily’s research interest lies in understanding people’s judgement and decisions regarding sustainability and climate change through social psychology.

Fun fact: Lily draws and paints in her free time!

Quinn James Hundgen

Quinn is a PhD student in the Applied Social Psychology program, and his advisor is Dr. Schultz. He got his bachelor’s degree in Psychology at the University of Richmond.

Currently, Quinn is researching how relationship with nature impacts environmental behaviors. He is also interested in how integrating nature within our lives and environments can help create sustainable lifestyles.

Fun fact: Quinn grew up on two islands (In Florida and New York), accessible only by ferry!

Jillian (JJ) Mueller-Dombois

JJ is a first-year Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. student working under the guidance of Dr. Anna Woodcock. They went to undergrad at Cal State University, Long Beach.

Their research interests generally surround identity, stereotyping, and prejudice, intending to promote equity and inclusion in education and media.

Fun Fact: JJ has started collecting sci-fi and horror comics, as well as Hatsune Miku figures.

Mary Peterson

Mary got her BA in Psychology from Whitworth University, and her MA in Applied Social Psychology from CGU. She is a PhD student in the Applied Social Psychology program under advisor Dr. Michael Hogg.

Her research is broadly centered around the various factors related to group identification. Within this focus, she studies the individual and group characteristics that impact individuals’ identification with groups, schisms, and entitativity.

Fun fact: Mary used to be an instructor at a paint and sip art studio!

Alyssa Ream

Alyssa Ream is a fourth-year Applied Social Psychology Ph.D. student at Claremont Graduate University, working under the guidance of Dr. Anna Woodcock. She holds a master’s degree in Positive Developmental Psychology and Evaluation, also from Claremont Graduate University.

Alyssa is passionate about using scientific knowledge, behavioral methods, and statistics to address various societal issues, primarily focusing on evaluating the effectiveness of health and human service programs. Additionally, Alyssa is committed to advancing the understanding and inclusion of the mixed-race population. Her research focuses on exploring their experiences with social identity and their interactions within group processes and intergroup relations.

Fun fact: Alyssa rides a Harley Davidson motorcycle!

Tehreem Riffat

Tehreem has a Master’s in clinical psychology. She is an Applied Social Psychology PhD student working with Dr. William Crano.

Her research areas include minority influence and indirect attitude change.

Fun fact: Tehreem is a Clinical Psychologist turned Academic, a Fulbright PhD Scholar, and loves to cook Pakistani food.

Sarah Zlatkovic

Sarah Zlatkovic is an advanced Evaluation and Applied Research Methods Ph.D. student working with Dr. Anna Woodcock. She holds an M.S. in Data Analytics from Oregon State University and an M.A. in Psychology from Claremont Graduate University.

Her research interests include social justice, issues related to social justice (bias/prejudice/discrimination, inclusion/exclusion, diversity, equity, othering, belonging), and the promotion of social justice through the practice of evaluation and research. Recent research projects have focused on disability-inclusive evaluation and increasing evaluators’ intentions to include individuals with disabilities as stakeholders in the evaluation process. Her current research projects focus on the social identities and social justice orientations of professional evaluators and researchers.

Fun fact: She and her family have around 2500+ books in their home library.