The Global Mormon and Restoration COVID-19 Stories Project is seeking volunteers to solicit and collect COVID-19 stories, photographs, interviews, and social media posts from Restoration communities around the world. View the project homepage for ideas for stories. We suggest stories and posts range from about 150 words to 2000 words.
Volunteer Steps
The process involves:
- ♦ Collecting the text of individuals’ stories and photos related to COVID-19, as well as screenshots and URLs associated with their stories (if posted previously on social media).
- ♦ Contacting individuals about sharing their stories, photos and posts related to COVID-19.
- ♦ Asking the author/contributor the location, date, and preferred title of the story/experience.
- ♦ Sending the author/contributor the Agreement to Participate form so that they can read the terms of contribution and understand options regarding confidentiality.
- ♦ Asking the author/contributor to email you either the signed Agreement to Participate or the following statement: “I [name] have read the Agreement to Participate, agree to the terms of contribution stated within it, and give my permission to the Global Mormon and Restoration COVID-19 Stories Project to publish and archive my story. I choose to be identified as _____ in my published and archived story.”
- ♦ Asking the author/contributor to share some demographic information (optional – they can decline) which includes: gender, age, and how the author chooses to identify, such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nation, etc.
- ♦ Asking the author/contributor which (if any) demographic information they would like displayed alongside their story.
- ♦ Asking the author/contributor for their email address.
Once you have collected the above information, please go to this Google form to submit. Thank you for considering this opportunity to volunteer for this project. Please email with any questions.
We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of volunteers who translated our project submission forms: Jason Palmer for Spanish translations, Vicky Ong for Chinese translations, Chrystal Vanel for French translations, and Melissa Inouye for Chinese translations.