Fatima Angela Dankyi grew up in Sierra Leone and migrated to Nigeria as an adult. She is now a caterer for a hospital and has three grown children. She hopes to someday open up an orphanage for children in need.

Soon after migrating to Nigeria, Fatima and her husband converted from Catholicism to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has witnessed the growth of the church from a small branch to a full stake, and she has served as Relief Society president four times. Enrichment meetings have been an opportunity for her to share her catering skills with the women in her ward. A couple of these women have started their own catering businesses.

Fatima is drawn to messages about the importance of families in the church. She sees women as occupying a second-class status in Nigeria, and she hopes to see women’s position in society improve. She also hopes women will be given priesthood in the church someday. Concerned about stigma towards single mothers in her ward, she is working to correct thinking that leads some members to not fellowship these women. Ultimately, Fatima hopes to build a more unified ward, less stratified by tribal loyalties and prejudice.

Read or listen to Fatima Angela Dankyi’s full oral history.

Fatima Angela Dankyi - teaching

Dankyi with friends


Dankyi wedding

Dankyi at Christmas