Read Oral History #108. Available in English.

I’ve often felt there has been confusion between the Brethren and the Priesthood. They’re not the same thing, but some men confuse them to be so. I will not be told what to do by an idiot—man or woman. Telling me they hold the Priesthood will generally enrage me. If they have to resort to that kind of language, I usually know they’re not worthy of the Priesthood they supposedly hold.

I’ve always been an outspoken woman, and the Church has not changed this. I say what I believe is right. This has got me in trouble at times, or others are wary of me. I didn’t care before joining the Church, and still don’t care.

I’m not always right, however much I’d like to believe I am. These days, I’m able to recognize my mistakes and repent of them. Sometimes others need to point them out to me, but that’s fine.

We have tried to bring our children up to love the Lord. Sometimes they are better members and more obedient than I am. They don’t question things as much as I did, and continue to do, and sometimes that concerns me