I always wanted to do nursing and did in fact do 2 years but I fainted in surgery and lost confidence. I have since found out that I have very low blood pressure, and can faint quite easily. I then did a couple of uninteresting jobs but had no desire for a career (I still feel the same), so at 19 years old I married and had 2 children. Thee marriage only lasted 6 years and as I couldn’t cope with my spouse’s alcohol problem. We divorced.
To support myself and my 2 girls, I worked in a factory and as a representative. I had a new opportunity to work as an aid in a school for mentally handicapped children.
About a year after the end of my marriage, I met a young man who introduced me to the church. He wasn’t a good member and we soon ended our contact but I had started to go to church and learn about the gospel.
I had had a Christian upbringing and attended church regularly in my youth but didn’t really feel strongly about church or the meaning of life. On Sundays I went to my church for 1 hour then did what I liked so didn’t realise the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy, for me, church then was just a task that was completed on Sundays and little else.
When I started being taught at the LDS church, the teaching really rang true to me and I asked to be baptised.