Read Oral History #122. Available in English.
I wanted my kids to experience being at church, so we had this little company to go to conference. We would go to Headland, the drive was six hours, and we would stay with the members. They just loved having us visit, because there aren’t many members there. We helped build the chapel at Headland. We were at the groundbreaking of the Karratha chapel. Not in our area, but it was important to us to be a part of the building of the church. When school was out, we couldn’t use the science room, so we had church at my house.
I think that became a symbol to my children of the truth that I knew—I mean, why would you do church on your own in a town that is a long way away from any other members? So I think my boys learnt that for themselves to have to survive with a testimony with inconsistencies in your life. But their memories of that time, well, I used to tell them that they were like pioneers. When conference came on video tapes—like precious gold to us, they would sit on these bean bags and watch the conference. And they would get the Ensign and they knew when the speaker said something different to what was printed in the Ensign. They knew all of the prophets and apostles for way back!