Read Oral History #124. Available in English.

Probably the plan of salvation is the strongest motivation for me. Well, and the knowledge of knowing where we came from, why were are here, which is to gain a body, and make ourselves worthy and hopefully, we return to Heavenly Father. To me, that is a great desire. I used to sort of feel a little lost before I joined the church. I would oen get very depressed on a Sunday night for no reason. Now, my father did die on a Sunday night, and I used to put it down to that. And, as soon as I started going to church at Bankstown chapel, I wasn’t even baptised then. But as soon as I sat down in that chapel, I knew I needed to be baptised there and then. The spirit was so strong, saying, “This is where you are supposed to be. Where you should be.” And I never suffered from depression on a Sunday night since.

To me, it was just so absolutely amazing, I used to feel a little bit lost, but I haven’t felt lost since I’ve joined the church. I mean, there’s been ups and downs, there’s been trials and I mean, nothing’s gone perfect, now you wouldn’t expect that, even though we’d like it. It was just the spirit witnessing to me and I just felt so comfortable and so strongly about it. The spirit was so strong, saying, “This is where you are supposed to be. Where you should be.” And I never suffered from depression on a Sunday night since. To me, it was just so absolutely amazing, I used to feel a little bit lost, but I haven’t felt lost since I’ve joined the church. I mean, there’s been ups and downs, there’s been trials and I mean, nothing’s gone perfect, now you wouldn’t expect that, even though we’d like it. It was just the spirit witnessing to me and I just felt so comfortable and so strongly about it.