Read Oral History #155. Available in English.

We are what you would call Cape coloured, and my whole family as well. These are people of mixed race, so different from blacks and whites…. The coloured people have been disenfranchised in their own way. They are only starting to wake up to it. It is only this generation of coloured people that is just starting to unpack all of that stuff. Our parents just assumed that this was how life ought to be. But the more we know about our world, the more perspective we have, the more we’ve traveled, the more we’ve seen how it works in other places, we realized that there have been some gross injustices leveled against an entire group of people, especially in the Cape.

Things like the way housing was allocated. The way people were forcibly moved out of their homes and put into coloured ghettos. In many ways coloured people have been largely overlooked, especially in the reparation part of post-apartheid South Africa. Since things weren’t so bad for them, people thought that they didn’t need that much help. But they do, as much as anybody else.