Read Oral History #170. Available in Spanish.

Soy hija de un señor casado. No lo supe hasta que fui adulto. Pero mi madre fue una mujer muy especial: odiaba todo, tuvo hijos con diferentes hombres. Ella nunca quiso a nadie, y como yo no encajaba en su mundo siempre me llevaba la contraria. A mí me odiaba, yo siento. Creo que en la vida no tuve peor enemigo que me odiara tanto como mi madre. Mi madre me hizo sentir que Dios me odiaba.

English Translation:
I’m a married man’s daughter which I didn’t know until I became an adult, but my mother was a very special woman. She hated everything, had children with different men but she never loved anyone. Because I didn’t fit in her world she was always against me. I feel like she hated me and I think that in my life I’ve never had a worst enemy that would hate me so much than my mother. My mother made me feel like God hated me.