Read Oral History #177. Available in Spanish.

El Segundo Consejero de Estaca una de las cosas que me dijo fue que dejara de trabajar y me daba a entender que si mi esposo me obligaba hacerlo, y que yo estaba tan confundida que no podía distinguir esa parte, que la responsabilidad era de mi esposo. Le dije que mi esposo llevaba la responsabilidad, que lo único que yo hacía era administrar, pero le costó un poco de trabajo[;] no lo entendió, me dijo de que si yo tomaba esa decisión, que ya no me lo iba volver a mencionar.

One of the things that the Second Counselor of the Stake [Presidency] told me was to stop working and he suggested that my husband was forcing me to do it, and that I was confused and was not able to tell, that it was my husband’s responsibility. I told him that it was my husband’s responsibility that the only thing I would do was administer [the business], but it caused him a little bit of trouble; he did not understand, he told me that if I made that choice then he would not mention it again to me.