Read Oral History #223. Available in English.

[Anger towards white people] just disappeared from my heart. It just fell away. You know? I think it just fell away. I hate the action of the people; I don’t hate the people. I don’t at all. Because, I remember where I was working, we had Afrikaans speaking people in our company. It was a Jewish company, but we had a lot of people working there….They were nice people…. I hate the act, not the people. So it just fell away.

…I’ll be in the church forever. This is my last place. My last place. Yes. I find it so, I said yes, Lord. I have been hip hopping, moving from this to another church and to another church. The Book of Mormon was a difficult book, but reading the scriptures, the Doctrine and Covenants, was the one that really pulled me to the Book of Mormon, to read it more and more and more. Because I find it so easy and The Book of Mormon is difficult. But the Doctrine and Covenants, it leads me.