I don’t know my tradition. I won’t say I’m Zulu or Zutu and I know my forefathers. I do not know that. My mother never taught me that. My grandmother never taught me that. But recently as a family, my child was sick. Very sick, to the point that he is epileptic. He has these drops that he just falls and he will bump his head and he will do all of these things…. And my mother told me to do one, two, three, these traditional things that I do not know of. And I’m like, ‘But the church says….’ You know. And our past bishop says, “You know what. You are not going there to see a sangoma [traditional African healer]. You’re not going there to bewitch someone. You’re going to heal your child. You’re going to use these herbs to heal your son.” So Western, I’ve tried Western. And doctors don’t see what’s happening.
…They told us that our ancestors are one, two, three, four, five. I came back, consulted with one of the people I follow in the church. She’s not here today. She understands more about ancestors and temple words and everything. And I asked her how does this contradict anything in the church. And she’s like, “No, it’s not contradicting anything with the church because at the end of the day they are there. Ancestors are there. That’s why we do the work for them.”