After my mission I moved back to Nigeria. The church had grown so much from the time I left Nigeria. We just got a stake in Lagos which was where I was baptized. It was amazing being part of that stake after my mission. But I had a bad experience when I had a divorce. I became an outcast which felt so lonely. Thank God for great family support.
Living in Australia has been very difficult church-wise, as some members are racist, and some are unfriendly, though a very few are nice. I’m only talking about the wards I have worshipped at. In the country is a bit better than within Melbourne.
I am not afraid to move to any part of the world where the church exists because it will be easy to find a friend. It would be awesome if every member would be nice and make new people feel welcome and be less judgmental, actually putting into practice Christlike attributes.
Professionally, I am a disability support worker. While working as an educator, I became interested in disability as some of the children in day service had been diagnosed with some form of disability and I found many people did not understand them. Having the gospel did help me in this aspect as I know we are all children of our Heavenly Father and we are here to fulfill a purpose.