Research Publications from The Science Study

Estrada, M., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2018). A longitudinal study of how quality mentorship and research experience integrate underrepresented minorities into STEM careers. CBE: Life Science Education, 17(1).

Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2011). Toward a social influence framework that explains minority student integration into the scientific community. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, 206–222.

Hernandez, P. R., Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., & Schultz, P.W. (2017). Protégé perceptions of high mentorship quality depend on shared values more than on demographic match. Journal of Experimental Education, 85, 450–468.

Hernandez, P. R., Schultz, P. W., Estrada, M., Chance, R., & Woodcock, A. (2013). Sustaining optimal motivation: A longitudinal analysis of interventions to broaden participation of underrepresented students in STEM. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 89–107.

Hernandez, P. R., Woodcock, A., Estrada, M., & Schultz, P. W. (2018). Undergraduate research experiences broaden diversity in the scientific workforce. BioScience, 68, 204–211.

Merolla, D. (2016). Reflected appraisals and stereotype threat: The relationship between role and social identity feedback. In J. E. Stets & R. T. Serpe (Eds.), New directions in identity theory and research (pp. 417–442). Oxford University Press.

Merolla, D. M., & Serpe, R. T. (2013). STEM enrichment programs and graduate school matriculation: The role of science identity salience. Social Psychology of Education, 16(4), 575–597.

Merolla, D., Serpe, R., Stryker, S., & Schultz, P. W. (2012). Structural precursors to identity processes: The role of proximate social structures. Social Psychology Quarterly, 75, 149–172.

Schultz, P. W., Hernandez, P. R., Woodcock, A., Estrada, M., Chance, R., Aguilar, M., & Serpe, R. T. (2011). Patching the pipeline: Reducing educational disparities in the sciences through minority training programs. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(1), 95–114.

Tise, J., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2023). Mentoring underrepresented students for success: Self-regulated learning strategies as a critical link between mentor support and educational attainment. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 75, Article 102233.

Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2016). Diversifying science: Intervention programs moderate the effect of stereotype threat on motivation and career choice. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, 184–192.

Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., Estrada, M., & Schultz, P. W. (2012). The consequences of chronic stereotype threat: Domain identification and attrition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 635–646.