Below is the entire symposium history, and a sampling of recent volumes produced from the series.

2016: Cultural Neuroscience in Translation

2015: Sexual Orientation, Psychological Science, and Social Policy

2014: Diversity Science: Emerging Perspectives for the 21st Century

2013: Bridging Ideological Divides

2012: Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor in Domestic and International Politics

2011: Psychological Contributions to Sustainability and Environmental Action

2010: When Near is Far and Far is Near: Exploring ‘Distance’ in Leader-Follower Relationships

2009: Enhancing Teaching and Learning – Lessons From Social Psychology

2009: Uncertainty and Extremism

2008: Extremism and the Psychology of Uncertainty by Michael Hogg & Danielle Blaylock

2007: Implementing and Evaluating Health Behavior Interventions  Understanding Organ Donation: Applied Behavioral Science Perspectives by Jason T. Siegel & Eusebio M. Alvaro

2006: Work and Families: Changing Realities of Work and Family by Amy Marcus-Newhall, Diane F. Halpern, & Sherylle J. Tan

2005: Expert Psychological Testimony for the Courts by Mark Costanzo, Daniel Krauss, & Kathy Pezdek

2004: Stigma and Group Inequality: Social Psychological Perspectives by Shana Levin and Colette van Laar

2003: Applications of Nonverbal Communication by Ronald  E. Riggio and Robert S. Feldman

2002: Processes of Community Change and Social Action by Allen M. Omoto

2001: Evaluating Social Programs and Problems: Visions for the New Millennium by Stewart I. Donaldson and Michael Scriven

2000: Mass Media and Drug Prevention: Classic and Contemporary Theories and Research by William D. Crano and Michael Burgoon

1999: Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination by Stuart Oskamp

1998: Violence in Intimate Relationships by Ximena B. Arriaga & Stuart Oskamp

1997: Addressing Community Problems: Psychological Research and Interventions by Ximena B. Arriaga & Stuart Oskamp

1996: Cross-Cultural Work Groups by Cherlyn Skromme Granrose & Stuart Oskamp

1995: Understanding and Preventing HIV Risk Behavior: Safer Sex and Drug Use by Stuart Oskamp & Suzanne C. Thompson

1994: Diversity in Organizations: New Perspectives for a Changing Workplace

1993: Violence and the Law

1992: Gender Issues in Contemporary Society by Stuart Oskamp & Mark Costanzo

1991: The Future of Leadership Research

1990: Helping and Being Helped: Naturalistic Studies by Shirlynn Spacapan & Stuart Oskamp

1989: People’s Reactions to Technology : In Factories, Offices, and Aerospace

1988 The Social Psychology of Health by Shirlynn Spacapan & Stuart Oskamp

1986: Interpersonal Processes