Since 2002, the John Stauffer Charitable Trust has sponsored a series of informative talks on current research in applied psychology for DBOS students, faculty, and the general community. The Stauffer Colloquia and Symposia highlight important new developments on the leading edge of applied psychology. Each talk or symposium has focused on one area in which psychological knowledge is being applied to the resolution of social problems. Distinguished authorities summarize recent theoretical views or empirical findings, including the results of their own research and applied activities. Thus the series brings together trenchant new ideas, research results, and fruitful applications bearing on an area of current social interest. The talks are of value not only to practitioners and researchers, but also to students and lay people interested in these vital and expanding areas of psychology.

Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, contact the DBOS office at (909) 621-8084 or

2022 – 2023 Stauffer Schedule

Cognitive Psychology
Friday, 12/2/2022 David Yokum, JD, PhD (Brown University) | “Behavioral Science in Public Policy”


There is currently a unique attempt, emerging from within government itself, to integrate the insights and experimental methods from the psychological sciences directly into day-to-day governance. This talk will first provide a quick overview of efforts at the federal and state levels, and then we’ll dive into methods and results from two illustrative projects. The first project involves large-scale field experiments evaluating low-cost, rapid “nudge” interventions aiming to increase influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations. The second project involves another large scale field experiment, but of a much more complicated and expensive intervention, namely, the introduction of a nurse-led triage protocol into Washington, DC’s 911 call system. Together the projects showcase a variety of psychological concepts as well as how to practically design and deploy rigorous methods that inform public policy.

Positive Developmental Psychology
Monday, 10/102022 Eleanor K. Seaton, PhD (Arizona State University) | “The Impact of Racism on Black Youth’s Development”


Racism is a pervasive and detrimental force which shapes and influences the development and mental health of Black children and adolescents. Dr. Seaton will discuss the implications of her research agenda with attention to the impact of racism, moderators for racism, the impact of racism on physiological processes and how pubertal development is complicated for Black children and adolescents.


Past Stauffer Colloquia

Stauffer Colloquia, Cognitive Psychology

10/7/2021 Qi Wang, PhD (Cornell University) | “Culture in Personal Remembering”

3/26/2020 Stephan Lewandowsky, PhD (University of Bristol) | “Resisting the Knowledge Dementors: The Truth about Fake News”

10/13/2016 John Dunolsky, PhD (Kent State University) | “From the Lab to the Classroom: Harnessing Successive Relearning to Improve Student Achievement

12/1/2011 John Wixted, PhD (UC San Diego) | Psychology’s Wrongful Conviction of Eyewitness Memory

3/4/2010 Rich Mayer, PhD (UC Santa Barbara) | Evidence-Based Principles for Multimedia Instruction


Stauffer Colloquia, Evaluation & Applied Research Methods

10/03/2019 Debra J. Rog, PhD (Vice President at Westat) | “Thirty-Five Years of Homeless Program and System Intervention Evaluations: Implications for Evaluators and Psychologists

2/24/2010 John Graham (Penn State) | “Achieving Valid and Cost-Effective Blood Pressure Estimates: Using Ambulatory and Clinic BP Measures and a Planned Missing Data Measurement Design”

10/15/2009 Rita O’Sullivan (U of North Carolina) and Michelle Jay (U of South Carolina) | “Collaborative Evaluation/Culturally Responsive Evaluation: Two Perspectives”


Stauffer Colloquia, Organizational Psychology

3/31/2022 Jose M. Cortina, PhD (Virginia Commonwealth University) | “Restricted variance interaction effects: What they are, and how they can be weaponized in the war against reviewers”

1/30/2020 M. Gloria González-Morales, PhD (Claremont Graduate University) | Positive Occupational Health Psychology: How Individuals grow and Organizations flourish


Stauffer Colloquia, Positive Developmental Psychology

12/20/2020 Ann Masten, PhD (University of Minnesota) | “Multisystem Resilience in Human Adaptation & Development”

10/20/2011 Reed Larson (University of Illinois) | “Positive Development in a Disorderly World” 


Stauffer Colloquia, Social Psychology

4/14/2022 Brenda Major, PhD (University of California Santa Barbara) | “MIXED SIGNALS: The Unintended Effects of Diversity Initiatives”

4/1/2021 E.M. Linda Steg, PhD (University of Groningen) | “Social Psychology: Encouraging Climate Action”

11/21/2019 Daniel Gilbert, PhD (Harvard University) | “Happiness: What your Mind and Your Mom Won’t Tell You

2/4/2010 Alice Eagly (Northwestern University) | “The Evolution of Sex Differences in Social Behavior”


Additional Stauffer Colloquia

9/30/2010 Tom Lyon (University of Southern California) | “Encouraging Children’s Disclosures: Implications for Interviewing Children about Abuse”

9/24/2009 Danielle Popp (California State University Fullerton) | “Modeling Homophily over Time with an Actor-Partner Interdependence”

4/02/2009 James Stigler (University of California, Los Angeles) | “Reflections on Mathematics Teaching and How to Improve It”

3/05/2009 Janet Clinton (University of Aukland, New Zealand) | “Do Evaluators Offer a Service to the World or Change the World?”

2/19/2009 Greg Herek (University of California, Davis) | “Beyond ‘Homophobia’: What Social Science Tells Us About Sexual Prejudice”

11/13/2008 John Krosnick (Stanford University) | “What Americans Really Think About Climate Change: Attitude Formation and Change in Response to a Raging Scientific Controversy”

10/23/2008 Jerald Greenberg (RAND Corporation) | “Losing Sleep over Injustice: Preventative and Therapeutic Effects of Interactional Justice Training on Insomniac Reactions to Underpayment Inequity”

9/17/2008 P. Wesley Schultz (California State University, San Marcos) | “Strategies for Encouraging Environmental action”

4/24/2008 Jonathon Schooler (University of California Santa Barbara) | Mind wandering, recovered memories, and other dissociations of meta-awareness

3/4/2008 Jaana Juvonen (University of California Los Angeles) | Bullying and Peer Harassment

11/15/2007 Sonja Lyubomirsky (University of California Riverside; Associate Editor, The Journal of Positive Psychology) | The How of Happiness

9/27/2007 Dean Gerstein (Vice Provost for Research, Claremont Graduate University) | Chronic Gambling Behavior and its Effects on the Human Environment

8/19/2007 Mark Snyder (McKnight Presidential Chair in Psychology and Director of the Center for the Study of the Individual and Society, University of Minnesota) | Individuals, Groups, and Society: the Psychology of Social Action

4/12/2007 Ross Conner (President of the Board, International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation) | Evaluation Across the Globe: Evaluation as a Force for Democracy,” special multimedia address, followed by panel discussion.

1/23/2007 Paula Healani Palmer (Assistant Professor of Clinical Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine; Director of Global Development for USC’s Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research, University of Southern California) | Lifestyles and Health Risk Behavior Amid Socio-Economic Change: Results from the ‘Seven Cities Study’ in China

12/7/2006 Daniel M. Wegner (Harvard University) | “The Illusion of Conscious Will”

8/19/2006 Gian Gonzaga (Senior Research Scientist, eHarmony Labs) | “Building Social Resources Through Sharing Positive Events”


Stauffer Symposium on Applied Psychology

What Constitutes Credible Evidence in Evaluation and Applied Research?

Robert Klitgaard (President, Claremont Graduate University) | Invisible Evidence

Stewart I. Donaldson (Professor and Chair of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) | Thriving in the Global Zeitgeist of Accountability and Evidence-based Practice

Russell M. Gersten (Executive Director of Instructional Research Group; Professor Emeritus, College for Education, University of Oregon) | “The What Works Clearinghouse Criteria: Underlying Logic

Leonard Bickman (Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Public Policy, Vanderbilt University) | Science, Values and Feasibility: Standards for Credible Evidence

Gary T. Henry (Professor of Public Policy, Georgia State University) | When Credibility is Not Enough: What to do When Getting it Right Matters

Reaction Panel – “Limitations of Experimental Approaches

  • Michael Scriven (Professor of Philosophy and Evaluation, University of Western Michigan)
  • Jennifer Greene (Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Sharon F. Rallis (Dwight W. Allen Distinguished Professor in Education Policy and Reform, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Sandra Mathison (Professor of Education, University of British Columbia at Vancouver)
  • Thomas Schwandt (Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Michael Scriven (Professor of Philosophy and Evaluation, University of Western Michigan) | Gunfight at the Causation Corral: Let’s Run those Clantons out of Tombstone!

Jennifer Greene (Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | Evidence as ‘Proof’ and Evidence as ‘Inkling’

Sharon F. Rallis (Dwight W. Allen Distinguished Professor in Education Policy and Reform, University of Massachusetts Amherst) | Considering Rigor and Probity: Qualitative Pathways to Credible Evidence

Thomas Schwandt (Professor of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) | Bases of Substantiation: Hierarchies of Evidence or Methodological Appropriateness?”

Sandra Mathison (Professor of Education, University of British Columbia at Vancouver) | “Seeing is Believing: The Credibility of Visual Imagery”

Reaction Panel – “The Limitations of Non-Experimental Approaches

  • Leonard Bickman (Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Public Policy, Vanderbilt University)
  • Gary T. Henry (Professor of Public Policy, Georgia State University)

3/30/2006 Melvin M. Mark (Professor of Psychology and Senior Scientist at the Institute for Policy Research and Evaluation, Penn State) | Credibility and Other Criteria for ‘Good Evidence’: Integrating Diverse Perspectives, Toward Better Judgements About Evaluation and Applied Research

1/25/2006 Jeanne Nakamura (Quality of Life Research Center, Claremont Graduate University) | “The Role of Positive Experience in Adulthood”

12/12/2005 Fritz Strack (Professor of Psychology, Universitat Wurzberg) | “Reflective and Impulsive Determinants of Social Behavior”

12/9/2005 Margaret Shih (Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan) | “Eliciting Positive Outcomes through Multiple Identities”

12/8/2005 Jin Nam Choi (Assistant Professor of Organisational Psychology, McGill University) | “Group-Level Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Effects of Group Composition, Leader, and Coworker Characteristics”

12/6/2005 Eusebio Alvaro (Research Faculty Member, Claremont Graduate University) | “Psychology Theories in Applied Contexts: The Theory of Planned Behavior and Organ Donation”

11/29/2005 Michael Hogg (Professor of Psychology and Australian Research Council Professorial Fellow, University of Queensland) | “Social Identity and Leadership”

10/10/2005 Eden B. King (Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, George Mason University) | “Stigma at Work: Manifestations, Consequences, and Strategies for Remediation”

3/24/2005 Ellen A. Ensher (Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University) | “Power Mentoring”

3/1/2005 Hallie Preskill (Professor of Organizational Learning and Instructional Technologies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque) | “Reframing Organizational Issues through Appreciative Inquiry: Implications for Applied Research and Evaluation”

1/23/2004 Don Read (Simon Fraser University, Canada) | “The Recovered Memory/False Memory Debate”

The Rise of Applied Psychology

Stewart I. Donaldson (Professor and Chair of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) | The Emergence & Future of Applied Psychology

Diane Halpern (President, American Psychological Association; Director of the Berger Institute for Work, Family, and Children; Professor of Psychology, Claremont McKenna College) | “Applying the Science of Psychology to a Public that Distrusts Science and (Often) Prefers Parapsychology”

Robert Rosenthal (Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside) | Interpersonal Expectations and Covert Communication in Classrooms, Clinics, Corporations, and Courtrooms

Elizabeth Loftus (President, Western Psychological Association; Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Irvine) | Contributions from the Study of Law & Psychology: Memory Research Applied to Real World Problems

Patricia M. Greenfield (Professor of Psychology, UCLA; Director, Children’s Digital Media Center) | Bridging Cultures in the Classroom: From Research to Practice

Albert Bandura (David Starr Jordan Professor of Social Science in Psychology, Stanford University) | “Going Global with Social Cognitive Theory”

Stanley Sue (Director of the National Research Center on Asian American Mental Health and Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis) | “Research to Address Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health: Some Lessons Learned”

Dale E. Berger (Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) |Preparing for a Surprising and Rewarding Career Applying the Science of Psychology

10/28/2004 Panel of Presenters to Respond to Audience Questions facilitated by Kathy Pezdek (Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University)

2/26/2004 Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo (RAND Corporation) | “Developmental Psychology: Its Place in Policy Research”

11/11/2003 Ariella Lehrer (CEO, Legacy Interactive Software) | “Software Development: Interesting New Applications of Psychology”

3/26/2003 Robert Klitgaard (Dean of the Pardee RAND Graduate School) | “Corruption – Research and Experiences Behind Tropical Gangsters

12/5/2002 Robert Rosenthal (Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside) | “Nonverbal Communication Classrooms, Clinics, and Courtrooms”

10/12/2002 Richard Strayer (CEO, Strayer Consulting Group, Inc.) | “A Day in the Life of an OD Consultant”

2/24/2001 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (C.S. and D.J. Davidson Professor of Psychology and Management and Director of Quality of Life Research Center, Claremont Graduate University) | “A Report from the Gallup Institute’s Positive Psychology Summit”

Evaluating Social Programs and Problems

Michael Scriven (Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) | “Evaluation in the New Millennium: the Transdisciplinary Vision”

Joseph S. Wholey (Professor of Public Administration, University of Southern California) | “Improving Performance and Accountability: Responding to Emerging Management Challenges”

David Fetterman (Professor and Director of MA Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation, School of Education, Stanford University) | “Empowerment Evaluation Strikes a Responsive Chord”

Yvonna S. Lincoln (Ruth Harrington Chair of Educational Leadership and University Distinguished Professor of Higher Education, Texas A&M University) | “Fourth Generation Evaluation in the New Millennium”

Donna M. Mertens (Professor of Education, Gallaudet University) | “The Inclusive View of Evaluation: Visions for the New Millennium”

Stewart I. Donaldson (Professor and Chair of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) | “Theory-Driven Program Evaluation in the New Millennium”

William D. Crano (Professor of Psychology, Claremont Graduate University) | “Theory-Driven Evaluation and Construct Validity”

Edith P. Thomas (National Program Leader for Nutrition and Food Security in the Families, 4-H and Nutrition Unit of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture) | “Evaluating Social Programs and Problems: A Discussant’s View”

Bianca L. Guzman (Assistant Professor of Chicano Studies, California State University, Los Angeles, and Director of Research, CHOICES) | “Examining the Role of Cultural Competency in Program Evaluation: Visions for New Millennium Evaluators”

Melvin M. Mark (Professor of Psychology and Senior Scientist at the Institute for Policy Research and Evaluation, Penn State) | “Toward a Integrative View of the Theory and Practice of Program and Policy Evaluation”