Upcoming Events

Hispanic/Latin@x/Chican@ Heritage Month 2024

Please join us for an exciting panel discussion centered on embracing authenticity from a Hispanic, Latin@/x, and Chican@ perspective and a chance to learn about the community!

OCTOBER 2, 4:00pm PT 2024 

This is a virtual event: Click here for the zoom link

Past Events

2024 International Women’s Day

Feminist Comedy Sketches

Join us for our annual feminist comedy sketches viewing party!

Missed the event but want some laughs? Click here for the Feminist Comedy video playlist and here for some additional laughs!

Women in STEM Panel with Paola Rosenberg, Dr. Katherine Van Heuvelen, Dr. Michelle Edwards, & Dr. Yan Li

Black History Month: Navigating Academia as Afro-Diasporic

This Black History Month, we dove into the arduous and inspiring journeys that scholars and academics of the Afro-Diaspora uniquely experience

february 12, 4:00pm PT 2024 

Presented by Dr. Javier M. Rodríguez: The Politics-Health Disparities Connection as a Fundamental Cause for Lack of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

NOVEMBER 6TH, 4:00pm PT 2023

Join us as Dr. Javier M Rodríguez—an Associate Professor of Politics and Government, and co-Director of the Inequality and Policy Research Center at Claremont Graduate University—discusses a “political epidemiology” approach to minority health inequality in the U.S.

Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month: Diversity Climate 

OCTOBER 2nd, 4:00pm PT 2023 

Event Description:

Diversity Climate – The degree to which an organization, its leaders, and people are perceived to demonstrate that they value diversity and historically marginalized employees by including them socially, treating them fairly, and not discriminating against them.

Please join us for an exciting panelist discussion centered on diversity climate from the perspective of a range of Hispanic/Latinx professionals. By amplifying the voices of these professionals, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of what a healthy diversity climate could look like for the Hispanic/Latinx community and tangible ways to better develop our knowledge around the subject.

Want to dig deeper? Supplemental articles will be provided!

Authentic Allyship: Why? Who? What? and How?

APRIL 4th, 4:00pm PT 2023 

Event Description:

“We can’t move the pendulum on Diversity Equity & Inclusion until we all see ourselves as enablers of inclusive workplaces”Poornima Luthra

At the current rate, it will take us 132 years to achieve gender parity and 95 years to achieve race parity in the workplace. All colleagues, friends, and fellow students have a role to play in creating workplaces where everyone feels valued, respected, appreciated, and supported — a sense of authentic belonging. Join us for a discussion on how we all can contribute to drastically reducing that number and BECOME AUTHENTIC ALLIES in this April’s lab event.

Bring your favorite article(s) to add to our public literature folder!!

This practitioner-friendly review paper covers allyship in the workplace and how allyship can be a diversity management tool to reduce discrimination and enact positive change in organizations:

Salter, N. P., & Migliaccio, L. (2019). Allyship as a diversity and inclusion tool in the workplace. Diversity within Diversity Management.

We will have an open and collaborative conversation on what sets authentic allyship apart from performative allyship—what allyship really is. Individually and together, we can show the world what community really is and means.

Black History Month: Black Racial Inequality in Psychological Research & Academia

February 21, 4:00pm PT 2023 


Event Description:

“I feel that if we don’t take seriously the ways in which racism is embedded in structures of institutions, if we assume that there must be an identifiable racist who is the perpetrator, then we won’t ever succeed in eradicating racism.”Angela Y. Davis, Freedom is a Constant Struggle

In February’s lab, we will be discussing three focal articles that highlight the racial history and current nature of psychological research and academia, which systematically has and continues to exclude, ignore, and oppress people of color in multiple ways. We will discuss together ways in which we can push for and mitigate equity and equality in research and academia.

Bring your favorite article(s) to add to our public Black History Month literature folder!!

This article articulates that systemic inequality exists within psychological research and that systemic changes are needed to ensure that psychological research benefits from diversity in editing, writing, and participation:

Roberts, S. O., Bareket-Shavit, C., Dollins, F. A., Goldie, P. D., & Mortenson, E. (2020). Racial inequality in psychological research: Trends of the past and recommendations for the future. Perspectives on psychological science, 15(6), 1295-1309.

This article presents examples of how epistemic oppression exists within psychological science, including in how science is conducted, reported, reviewed, and disseminated:

Buchanan, N. T., Perez, M., Prinstein, M. J., & Thurston, I. B. (2021). Upending racism in psychological science: Strategies to change how science is conducted, reported, reviewed, and disseminated. American Psychologist, 76(7), 1097.

This article draws from Black Feminist Theory to address some of the ways in which anti‐blackness and liberal White supremacy are manifested in the lives of Black faculty and students, and propose that non‐Black allies have key roles to play in resisting them:

Bell, M. P., Berry, D., Leopold, J., & Nkomo, S. (2021). Making Black Lives Matter in academia: A Black feminist call for collective action against anti‐blackness in the academy. Gender, Work & Organization, 28, 39-57.

International Women’s Day Celebrations 

Tues, March 7, 4pm-5pm pt, in-person (burkle 16): annual feminist comedy sketches
wed, March 8, 2023, 12pm-1pm pt: open lab event with guest speaker dr. ivona Hideg (virtual)

For more information, check out our International Women’s Day Event page!

Open House Event: How To Leverage Social Norms for DEI Initiatives with Dr. Wesley Schultz


We’re excited to host an open lab session with Dr. Wesley Schultz based on his article Secret Agents of Influence: Leveraging Social Norms for Good. We will talk to Dr. Schultz about how to leverage social norms for DEI initiatives. Please join this important conversation!

Celebrando Hispanic Heritage Month

september 29, 4:00pm pt 2022 

To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15), we are hosting an open-lab event to discuss the history of Hispanic Heritage Month and a recent empirical article by Marin et al. (2021) focused on the Hispanic community.

hispanic heritage month flyer

Empirical Article: Marín, L. S., Barreto, M., Montano, M., Sugerman-Brozan, J., Goldstein-Gelb, M., & Punnett, L. (2021). Workplace sexual harassment and vulnerabilities among low-wage hispanic women. Occupational Health Science, 5(3), 391-414.



Worker Wellbeing Lab Retreat

August 22-24, 2022


Amplifying Voices Series (Session 2): Microaggressions Toward Minorities in the Workplace

May 5, 4:00 PM PT 2022

We will be discussing two literature articles surrounding the experience of microaggressions amongst Black/African American women, Latinx/Hispanic women, and Asian women in the workplace.


Open House Event: Journal Review Process

MARCH 24, 2022

Dr. González-Morales shared her experiences as an associate editor for the Journal of Work & Stress and the Journal of Business & Psychology.

We discussed dilemmas that reviewers encounter, such as potential harking, as well as a walk through the journal review process.


International Women’s Day Events

MARCH 8-11, 2022

We held 4 incredible events in honor of International Women’s Day!

Feminist Sketches (occurred in-person)

Women of Organizational Psychology panel, featuring Becky Reichard, Anna Woodcock, Jenn Feitosa, Larisswa (Lacie) Barber, and Lisa Kath (Recording here)

Women in Consulting, featuring CGU alumni Angela Mouton and Monica Montijo of Montijo Mouton Consulting – (Recording here)

Half-Baked Symposium for Half-Baked DEI Ideas (Recording Here)

Open House Event: Black History Month—Amplifying Black Women in Organizations

FeBruary 24, 4:00 PM PT 2022

Did you know that over 30% of employed Black women work in teh management, business, professional and related workforce? The women of the Worker Wellbeing Lab will be highlighting these professionals in organizations. Join us to discuss literature, research, and personal experiences surrounding Black women in the workplace.

Open House Event: Effect Sizes

Recording here

OCTOBER 5, 4:00 PM PT 2021

The Worker Wellbeing Lab is holding an open lab meeting for anyone interested in learning about the lab and participating in our discussion about effect sizes. We’ll discuss the book chapter by Cortina and Landis, When Small Effect Sizes Tell a Big Story, and When Large Effect Sizes Don’t.


Open House Event: Myths and Urban Legend of Thematic Analysis

Recording here

JUNE 9, 4:30 pm PT, 2021

Presented by Katya Pogrebtsova, PhD.

Thematic analysis is one of the most widely used research methods in the social sciences. Braun and Clarke’s definitive 2006 paper, Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology, has 99,929 citations and counting, making it one of the most cited academic papers of all time. This popularity has contributed to the perception of thematic analysis as both the most widely accepted, and equally, most overrated, qualitative research method to exist. Most recently, Braun and Clarke (2019, 2020) have developed the reflexive thematic analysis approach that encourages expanded opportunities for thematic analysis usage. Much of what was thought as limited or simplistic about thematic analysis (i.e., the “myths and urban legends”) is arguably mere misuse of the method, or no longer applicable when applying the revised reflexive approach. But just how much have these past misconceptions of thematic analysis been impacting your thinking and research decisions? Further, how might you gain new insights into your qualitative research questions with a reflexive thematic analysis approach? The current talk—part discussion of the most prevalent thematic analysis “myths,” part summary of reflexive thematic analysis, and part group reflection—will address these questions. The audience will leave with a greater understanding of how to expand their qualitative research possibilities using one of Psychology’s most acclaimed yet misunderstood methods.


Worker Wellbeing SIOP Presentations

APRIL 15 – 17, 2021

The Worker Wellbeing Lab is presenting 3 papers at SIOP.


International Women’s Day Celebrations on March 4, 5 and 8 2021





Dr. Gonzalez-Morales’ invited talk for the Canadian Positive Psychology Association CPPA

February 18, 2021 4.00 pm PT / 7.00 pm EST

Feminist Positive Organizational Psychology: Respectful Engagement for Building Positive Relational Cultures (Register here)

In this talk, I use a feminist epistemological lens to the study of respectful engagement in lieu of ‘civility’ in the workplace, as the counterpoint of workplace incivility and other organizational deviant behaviors. I build a theoretical framework based upon the positive organizational scholarship (POS) concepts of positive social capital (Bakker & Dutton, 2006), high-quality connections (Dutton & Heaphy, 2003) and the feminist theory of relational work and practice (Fletcher, 1998).


Worker Wellbeing Open House! 

Thursday, February 4th, at 3:00pm PT.

The Worker Wellbeing Lab, directed by Dr. Gloria Gonzalez-Morales, is hosting an open house THIS THURSDAY at 3pm PT! 

We will share information about:

  • Our lab’s mission, culture and expectations
  • Past and present research and accomplishments
  • Upcoming open events
  • And more!

If you are interested in attending, please take a quick minute to register here! The zoom session (link here) will start this Thursday, February 4th, at 3:00pm PT.

It was great to see you there! Follow up by emailing gloria.gonzalez@cgu.edu or schedule a virtual meeting with her through calendly.com/meetingatcgu


January 21, 2020: Dr. Gonzalez-Morales is a panelist at

Quartz at Work: How to get re-engaged with work when morale is running low


December 10, 2020: Lab Holiday Party


October 29, 2020: Positive PsyDays and the Worker Wellbeing Lab presented their first speaker of the semester, Katya Pogrebtsova, M.A., ABD

Harnessing Appreciative Inquiry and Job Crafting for Belonging, Health and Flourishing in the Workplace and Beyond.

Please email us if you are interested in a recording of the session!

keynote address

Click here to view detailed announcement