January 29, 2019

Auto 2: Power shift to data

This is a sequel to our “Auto Service Shift and 7 Gaps.” Back then our meta-research suggested a pronounced shift of business toward services, which in turn creates immediate gaps in capabilities, such as our choice of 7. Now, we’ve abstracted further and simplified our gap analysis to focus on a key source of advantage in the digital service future. Consequently, we highlight the role of data, and the importance of mixing and matching different data types – creating “data sandwiches,” a capability that may become natural to automakers as it interacts well with their current strength of systems integration.

Langdon, C. 2019. The Auto Power Shift to Data – From Asteroid to Data Sandwiches and Exchanges. Working Paper, MGT 317 Smart Products, Peter Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, LA county

