November 10, 2024

Data 4: Dataspace super-apps – Compendium

“The computer is a moron […]  we must decide on our information needs and how the computer can fill those needs. To do that, we must understand our operating processes, and the principles behind the processes.” — Peter F. Drucker*


Every software application or app requires data. New dataspaces facilitate super-apps by making data accessible not only within a single domain, supply chain, or market channel but also across various vertical sectors, such as automotive, infotainment, and retail.


What is it: Definition
A software ‘super-app’ integrates diverse services and features within a single application. Unlike traditional apps with a single focus, super-apps offer a comprehensive feature suite across domains, including messaging, networking, and e-commerce. Originating in Asia, notably with WeChat in China, they emerged to meet the diverse needs of mobile-first users. Super-apps benefit from the evolution of programming towards more modular and decentralized designs, allowing them to function as platforms for a mini-app ecosystem. Key characteristics of super-apps include (a) a unified user experience, (b) extensive third-party integrations, and (c) the ability to handle multiple tasks without switching apps.

  • Why important?
  • App evolution: From Web1 to Web3
  • From Web1 to Web3: Business impact – lessons learned

Read about it here: Schlueter Langdon, C. 2024. Dataspace super-apps. Research Note (RN_DCL-Drucker-CGU_2024-09, version 3), Drucker Customer Lab, Peter Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA


* Drucker, P. 1967. The manager and the moron. McKinsey Quarterly (December 1), link

