July 24, 2017

PsyCap as a resource for leaders {infographic}





(Click on the picture below to see the infographic)

Note: Although Psychological Capital (PsyCap) can be a useful resource for developing leaders, research also shows that PsyCap is a domain-specific. This means that to maximize the potential of PsyCap, one has to adjust this concept to fit with a specific context, which in this case is leader development.

We have recently published an article on Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, “Psychological Capital for Leader Development.” We discuss in detail of how PsyCap can be applied to the leader development context. If you are interested to learn more, please follow this link (Pitichat, T., Reichard, R. J., Kea-Edwards, A., Middleton, E., & Norman, S. M. (2017). Psychological Capital for Leader Development. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 1548051817719232.).


About the author

Poom is a research associate at LeAD Labs. He is currently a doctoral student at CGU in positive organizational psychology program researching leader development and e-leadership. He is also a member of the coaching community and practice. He developed logos and other digital materials for the LeAD Labs. He is the administrator of the website.

