What is LeAD Labs?
LeAD Labs is an evidence-based leadership, evaluation, assessment and development consultancy housed at Claremont Graduate University. Faculty and graduate students provide a range of leadership evaluation, assessment, and development services based on the LeAD 6PLeadership Framework.
We use data and evidence to build assessments and support structures for leader development. We also implement cutting-edge program evaluation and offer services designed to create effective leaders. With years of data, experience, and expertise, LeAD Labs has the resources to meet the needs of growing organizations.
What Does LeAD Labs Base Its Work On?
Over the past 100 years, leadership has been conceptualized in hundreds of ways. We combed the academic literature and mainstream models to identify a leadership framework that stood the test of time and was supported by evidence as effective. As a result, we developed the LeAD 6PLeadership Framework. We have strategically built our products and services around these six dimensions of leadership.
The LeAD 6PLeadership Framework Is . . .

LeAD 6PLeadership Framework Video