Jewel Lee

Jewel Lee has a deep passion for coaching and leader development. Her coaching experience focuses on leadership effectiveness and utilizes 360-degree feedback as well as one-on-one coaching sessions, with US and South Korea based clients.  Jewel has twenty years of corporate experience in areas of HR, marketing, and sales at companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Samsung Electronics in South Korea. Recently she ventured into private coaching at the executive level, integrating her organizational and leadership insights with her zest for coaching. Jewel is completing her master’s degree in Organizational Consulting and Executive Coaching at the University of Pennsylvania and is an incoming student in the Positive Organizational Psychology Program at Claremont Graduate University. Jewel is certified in the Life Orientation Assessment (LIFO®) and SQ & Quantum Leadership training by Danah Zohar. Her current coaching research centers around a leader’s consciousness and motivation.

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