Stephanie Dailey is a higher education professional with 11 years of experience supporting leaders. Stephanie is currently a doctoral student at Claremont Graduate University studying organizational behavior with an emphasis in leadership and leader development. She also holds a Master of Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. Her varied experiences have prepared her provide valuable personal and professional development support to leaders, regardless of their position. Stephanie is deeply committed to self-mastery in her personal and professional life. Her approach to leadership is characterized by four attributes: 1) strategic and positive approach to challenges; 2) commitment to growth and development; 3) consistent and trustworthy character; and 4) straightforward, kind, and helpful communication.
At LeAD Labs, Stephanie is a research consultant and coach.
Dailey, S.R., Reichard, R.J., Diaz, J.B.B., Powers, K.W. (2023). Leader self-views as proximal indicators of transformational leader development. Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management, Boston, MA: Aug 4-8.
Smith, T. R., Reichard, R.J., Dailey, S., Robbins, A., & Wefald, A. (2023). Developing undergraduate students as everyday leaders: A 4-year study. Paper Presentation at the Association of Leadership Educators Conference, Nashville, TN: July 16-19.