LeAD Research Lab

Becky Reichard, Ph.D. profile image

Becky Reichard, Ph.D.

Director, LeAD Labs

Darnell Mauricio profile image

Darnell Mauricio

Research Lab Manager, Data Consultant, & Coach

Dan Smith, MA profile image

Dan Smith, MA

Research Consultant

Krista Jensen, MA profile image

Krista Jensen, MA

Research Consultant & Consulting Lab Coordinator

Emily Chan, MA profile image

Emily Chan, MA

Research Consultant & Coach

Leslie Trainor, MBA profile image

Leslie Trainor, MBA

Research Consultant

Kristine Powers, MA profile image

Kristine Powers, MA

Research Consultant and Consulting Associate

Stephanie Dailey, MPA profile image

Stephanie Dailey, MPA

LeAD Research Consultant

Kayla Parker, MS profile image

Kayla Parker, MS

Research Consultant

Ashley Watterson, MA profile image

Ashley Watterson, MA

Research Associate & Coach

Raider Smith, MBA profile image

Raider Smith, MBA

Research Associate & Coach

Luke DeCoste profile image

Luke DeCoste

Research Associate

Kamille Roese profile image

Kamille Roese

Research Intern

If you are interested in learning about becoming a member of the LeAD Labs, review the research assistant expectations for MA students and PhD students.